# Swapper

This is an contract that will handle all of the swaps for the vault. So far it will use an router to swap any tokens and send them back to the sender. It is set as another contract to be able to change it in the future if the paradigm of router change drastically. It is meant to be used in a push / pull manner with the swap function.

# State Variables

# swapRouter

Dex/aggregaor router to call to perform swaps

address public swapRouter;

# tokenTransferAddress

Address to allow to swap tokens

address public tokenTransferAddress;

# vault

Address of the ERC4626 vault

address public vault;

# Functions

# onlyVault

modifier onlyVault();

# constructor

constructor(address initialOwner, address initialSwapRouter, address initialTokenTransferAddress)

# setSwapRouter

Set the dex/aggregator router to call to perform swaps

function setSwapRouter(address newSwapRouter) external onlyOwner;


Name Type Description
newSwapRouter address address of the router

# setTokenTransferAddress

Set the token proxy address to allow to swap tokens

function setTokenTransferAddress(address newTokenTransferAddress) external onlyOwner;


Name Type Description
newTokenTransferAddress address address of the token proxy

# setVault

Set the vault address

function setVault(address newVault) external onlyOwner;


Name Type Description
newVault address address of the vault

# recoverERC20

Recover ERC2O tokens in the contract

Recover ERC2O tokens in the contract

function recoverERC20(address token) external onlyOwner returns (bool);


Name Type Description
token address Address of the ERC2O token


Name Type Description
<none> bool bool: success

# swap

Swap tokens using the router/aggregator

The calldatas should set the recipient of the tokens to the vault

function swap(address[] calldata tokens, bytes[] calldata callDatas) external onlyVault;


Name Type Description
tokens address[] array of tokens to swap
callDatas bytes[] array of bytes to call the router/aggregator

# _performRouterSwap

Perform the swap using the router/aggregator

function _performRouterSwap(bytes calldata callData) internal;


Name Type Description
callData bytes bytes to call the router/aggregator

# Events

# SwapRouterUpdated

Event emitted when the swap router is updated

event SwapRouterUpdated(address oldSwapRouter, address newSwapRouter);

# TokenTransferAddressUpdated

Event emitted when the token proxy is updated

event TokenTransferAddressUpdated(address oldTokenTransferAddress, address newTokenTransferAddress);

# VaultUpdated

Event emitted when the vault is updated

event VaultUpdated(address oldVault, address newVault);