# Vault

This is the main contract of the Warlord protocol. It allows user to deposit WAR that will then be staked in the Warlord staking contract. It also handles the harvest and compound logic of the vault. Some admions functions are here to handle fees and pause the contract if needed. The Vault itself can change staker but not the underlying asset.

# State Variables

# staker

Address of the stkWAR token

address public staker;

# minter

Address of the WAR minter contract

address public minter;

# swapper

Address of the swapper contract

address public swapper;


Max BPS value (100%)

uint256 public constant MAX_BPS = 10_000;

# harvestFee

fee to be applied when harvesting rewards

uint256 public harvestFee;

# feeRecipient

address to receive the harvest fee

address public feeRecipient;

# feeToken

token to be used to pay the harvest fee

address public feeToken;

# operator

operator caller address to allow access only to web3 function

address public operator;

# Functions

# constructor

    address initialOwner,
    address initialStaker,
    address initialMinter,
    address initialSwapper,
    uint256 initialHarvestFee,
    address initialFeeRecipient,
    address initialFeeToken,
    address initialOperator,
    address definitiveAsset
    ERC4626(ERC20(definitiveAsset), "Tholgar Warlord Token", "tWAR")
    AFees(initialHarvestFee, initialFeeRecipient, initialFeeToken)

# setStaker

update the staker contract to a new one

function setStaker(address newStaker) external onlyOwner;


Name Type Description
newStaker address the new staker contract

# setOperator

function setOperator(address newOperator) external onlyOwner;

# setSwapper

update the swapper contract to a new one

function setSwapper(address newSwapper) external onlyOwner;


Name Type Description
newSwapper address the new swapper contract

# setMinter

update the minter contract to a new one

function setMinter(address newMinter) external onlyOwner;


Name Type Description
newMinter address the new minter contract

# setHarvestFee

function setHarvestFee(uint256 newHarvestFee) external virtual onlyOwner;

# setFeeRecipient

function setFeeRecipient(address newFeeRecipient) external virtual onlyOwner;

# setFeeToken

function setFeeToken(address newFeeToken) external virtual onlyOwner;

# recoverERC20

Recover ERC2O tokens in the contract

Recover ERC2O tokens in the contract

function recoverERC20(address token) external onlyOwner returns (bool);


Name Type Description
token address Address of the ERC2O token


Name Type Description
<none> bool bool: success

# pause

Pause the contract

function pause() external onlyOwner;

# unpause

Unpause the contract

function unpause() external onlyOwner;

# totalAssets

totalAssets is the total number of stkWAR

function totalAssets() public view override returns (uint256);

# deposit

function deposit(uint256 assets, address receiver) public override whenNotPaused returns (uint256 shares);

# mint

function mint(uint256 shares, address receiver) public override whenNotPaused returns (uint256 assets);

# withdraw

function withdraw(uint256 assets, address receiver, address owner)
    returns (uint256 shares);

# redeem

function redeem(uint256 shares, address receiver, address owner)
    returns (uint256 assets);

# afterDeposit

stake assets after each deposit

function afterDeposit(uint256 assets, uint256) internal override;

# beforeWithdraw

unstake assets before each withdraw to have enough WAR to transfer

function beforeWithdraw(uint256 assets, uint256) internal override;

# harvest

Harvest all rewards from staker

calldatas should swap from all reward tokens to feeToken

function harvest(address[] calldata tokensToHarvest, address[] calldata tokensToSwap, bytes[] calldata callDatas)


Name Type Description
tokensToHarvest address[] tokens to harvest
tokensToSwap address[] tokens to swap to feeToken
callDatas bytes[] swapper routes to swap to feeToken

# compound

Turn all rewards into more staked assets

function compound(address[] calldata tokensToSwap, bytes[] calldata callDatas, address[] calldata tokensToMint)


Name Type Description
tokensToSwap address[] tokens which includes the feeToken to swap to more assets
callDatas bytes[] swapper routes to swap to more assets
tokensToMint address[] tokens to mint more stkWAR

# Events

# StakerUpdated

Event emitted when a staker is updated

event StakerUpdated(address oldStaker, address newStaker);

# MinterUpdated

Event emitted when a minter is updated

event MinterUpdated(address oldMinter, address newMinter);

# SwapperUpdated

Event emitted when a swapper is updated

event SwapperUpdated(address oldSwapper, address newSwapper);

# Harvested

Event emitted when reward have been harvested

event Harvested(uint256 amount);

# Compounded

Event emitted when rewards are compounded into more stkWAR

event Compounded(uint256 amount);

# HarvestFeeUpdated

Event emitted when harvestFee is updated

event HarvestFeeUpdated(uint256 oldHarvestFee, uint256 newHarvestFee);

# FeeRecipientUpdated

Event emitted when feeRecipient is updated

event FeeRecipientUpdated(address oldFeeRecipient, address newFeeRecipient);

# FeeTokenUpdated

Event emitted when feeToken is updated

event FeeTokenUpdated(address oldFeeToken, address newFeeToken);

# OperatorUpdated

Event emitted when a output tokens and/or ratios are updated

event OperatorUpdated(address oldOperator, address newOperator);