# Zap

This is an util contract to ease the deposit of aura/cvx into the vault. It will first mint WAR with the amount of aura/cvx you want to deposit, then deposit it into the vault for tWAR.

# State Variables

# asset

Address of war token

address public immutable asset;

# vault

Address of the auto compounding war vault

address public immutable vault;

# minter

Address of the war minter

address public immutable minter;

# Functions

# constructor

constructor(address definitiveAsset, address definitiveVault, address definitiveMinter);

# zap

Zaps a given amount of tokens to mint WAR and deposit it

function zap(address token, uint256 amount, address receiver) external nonReentrant returns (uint256);


Name Type Description
token address Address of the token to deposit
amount uint256 Amount to deposit
receiver address Address to stake for


Name Type Description
<none> uint256 uint256 : Amount of shares minted

# zapMultiple

Zaps given amounts of tokens to mint WAR and deposit it

function zapMultiple(address[] calldata vlTokens, uint256[] calldata amounts, address receiver)
    returns (uint256);


Name Type Description
vlTokens address[] List of token addresses to deposit
amounts uint256[] Amounts to deposit for each token
receiver address Address to stake for


Name Type Description
<none> uint256 uint256 : Amount of shares minted

# Events

# ZapHappened

Event emitted when a zap happens

event ZapHappened(address indexed sender, address indexed receiver, uint256 shares);